Dr. Bigelow has delivered more than 700 babies in her professional career spanning over 20 years. She loves to care for expectant moms and help to bring their babies into this world! She admits patients to St. Francis Hospital here in Mooresville. Their Guiding You Maternity Program will introduce you to the personalized OB services offered through the Cherished Beginnings unit.
Dr. Bigelow refers all adult medical patients requiring hospitalization to the internal medicine physicians, called hospitalists, at St. Francis Mooresville or you may go to the hospital of your choice.
Pediatric patients are usually referred to St.Francis Indianapolis, Riley Hospital, or Peyton Manning Childrens Hospital. St. Francis Mooresville does not currently have an inpatient pediatric unit.
St. Francis Hospital – Mooresville & Indianapolis
Main Entrance & Emergency
1201 Hadley Road
Mooresville, IN 46158
(317) 831-1160
Hours: Visitor hours for most units are 2 to 8 p.m. daily.
Emergency Department open 24/7.